Tuesday, October 30, 2012

All Manner of Things

Last week, a warm and fuzzy little milestone was reached.  My blog exceeded 1,000 views --pauses for applause-- So in honor of myself and my awesome blog, I have decided not to post anything this week.

Except posting that I'm not posting is indeed posting.  And since I'm already logged on and everything I might as well make it worth the while.  Therefore, in celebration of this blog, the following nuggets of nonsense conform to neither rhyme nor reason and can only be described as all manners of things.

I believe the phrase is actually "all manner of things", but that name was already taken so I added the "s" to "manner".

If you are not aware that you should walk against the traffic and ride your bike with the traffic, you should not be walking or riding your bike anywhere.

Each day after I drop my daughter off at school, I drive away absolutely surprised that no one got run over and completely stunned at how stupid people are.

I'm pretty sure every character in The Walking Dead would have been zombies by late-Season 1.  You can only wear tank-tops, no gloves, no eye protection, and no masks for so long before all that zombie blood-splatter gets into your open wounds, eyes, nose, and mouth.  That being said, it's still the best show on TV.

Honey is the nectar of the gods, and mead is the best thing you can make honey into.

I sometimes wish my kids would disappear so that I can get some work done (play video games), but when they're gone I get really bored.

I will never understand how the outcome of a sporting event can actually affect someone's mood.

If you embrace personal freedom, but support significant government control over the economy, you are not a liberal.  You're extremely confused.

For some reason, I whistle Dixie at least three times a day.

If you can put on make-up, text, smoke, and sing, all while driving, then you will likely add "kill someone" to the list one day. 

When do you think incest became taboo?  How many people had to be alive on the earth before it was deemed inappropriate to marry your sister?  I imagine the first two people accused of incest were pretty confused, and the first people that accused someone of incest were the biggest hypocrites of all time.

It's not cheating until you're married.

I enjoy flicking my kids in the head.  It makes a satisfying hollow thump sound.

Do not be defined by your job, race, political status, or sexual orientation.  To do so makes you a slave to that attribute, and bondage is never easily broken.  Instead, be defined by your character, beliefs, and relationships.  These are the things that great people are remembered for.  Stand for what is right.  I'll do the same, and together we can weather all manner of things.


  1. It amazes me how you are able to go from offensive, to hilarious, to too deep all in one blog post. Master of words... I think my favorite was "It makes a satisfying hollow thump sound."

    1. Well, I do try to amaze. But I thought all of these little nuggets were pretty deep.
